betfair horse racing exchange


Sep 21, 2004
has anybody bet the horse racing exchange at betfair? i see its legal in nevada now. i used to do quite well when there was a betmaker exchange. i think that was the name.
wondering if they get any action on american racing.

Nov 12, 2018
Not sure where you are located??.
Below is a link . This is a good go around if your looking to trade . But it will only be beneficial on the day of trading and not for advanced options , especially with tracks in the USA as there is no serious volume ahead of time. All the action starts to develop with 10 minutes to post.

Have a look and if you contact a representative, they give you a trial on their platform For a week or so.
They carry a variety of tracks , although (usa)tracks ,approx 5 a day or so. May or may not be up your alley.

Make sure to familiarize yourself with the payment options and all the rest under the (faq)
It is catered to those who are restricted from using betfair in their own countries.
There are others but this is by far the most legit .

If you are good with projections you can make good money there.

good luck on your journey​

New member
Sep 4, 2012
i am not sure i understand the basic principles of how this works..this is my perception

7 mtp to post at mth ..a horse is 6-1 pari-mutuel (7 price)..I don't like him so want to lay odds..

so I offer 7 on him and how much I'm willing to take ?

maybe offer slightly less in anticipation that he might go down in the final few minutes ? (which the bettor might anticipate also)

so long haul I have to be offering on avg less than the final pari-mutuel price to be successful laying ?

Nov 12, 2018
so long haul I have to be offering on avg less than the final pari-mutuel price to be successful laying ?

Hey jb

No not necessarily . Lets simplify it .
In laying the most important factor is deciding how much you want to make per race/day period .

eg -- horses price is (7) , you would have to put up 140.00 dollars to make 20.00 dollars . IF the horses loses you cash , if the horse wins you are out 140.00 dollars

in a nutshell , It is beneficial to those who have inside info either way . SO if the horse is lame and you know it you get a big advantage , on the other hand if the horse will be bet down on race day and you know that it will work in your favour as well, especially if you know which way the whales are going on a consistent basis .

Lots of times you see horses swinging a significant amount of points from 10 mtp until post and after gates open.
If you know this , there is always players looking to lay /buy your action depending on the information their getting

bottom line the more informed you are , the more it will work to your advantage . In your case I don't see how it could not be beneficial.

Nothing is easy , but it does offer a different option to players who are not confident in making money the traditional way.
You could also mix and match both systems and see where it leads

you would be surprised how many times I have gotten horses at 66-1 who close 8-1 on the board . The only issue there is not alot of players offer up more than 5.00 dollars on the lay for those odds .

It really helps when you know a favourite is an absolute bumb. THere is where you could make quick turnaround of money.
300.00 to lay on an even money only costs you 300.00 and all he has to do is lose !!

they take about 3 4 percent when you win but it beats the track take any day of the week.

Like I said if your volume as a player is big then you won't be in these exchanges as it will not support it ( the only excemption) being uk racing as the volumes are large but most guys are in betfair for that .

ok thats it

let me know if there are any other questions

hope it helps


Sep 21, 2004
i'm in california but about to sell my house and relocate. was going to be somewhere in california but if nevada had betfair i would definitely move to nevada. i will look at the work around you showed. thank you much for
the info.

Nov 12, 2018
access if blocked from my country. i live in california usa.

They recently changed the rules for most of these exchanges in the last few weeks . I believe they all have to have KYC requirements and that is why they are blocking usa customers .

Try this name below
Olivia gersbach
Whatsapp ( +639776882755 )
Tell her where you are located and ask for a trial if possible
See what the status is and if you can get in via redirect or vpn
good luck

If that doesn't work you might have to wait until the laws change again
Let me know how u get on

New member
Sep 4, 2012
Hey jb

No not necessarily . Lets simplify it .
In laying the most important factor is deciding how much you want to make per race/day period .

eg -- horses price is (7) , you would have to put up 140.00 dollars to make 20.00 dollars . IF the horses loses you cash , if the horse wins you are out 140.00 dollars

in a nutshell , It is beneficial to those who have inside info either way . SO if the horse is lame and you know it you get a big advantage , on the other hand if the horse will be bet down on race day and you know that it will work in your favour as well, especially if you know which way the whales are going on a consistent basis .

Lots of times you see horses swinging a significant amount of points from 10 mtp until post and after gates open.
If you know this , there is always players looking to lay /buy your action depending on the information their getting

bottom line the more informed you are , the more it will work to your advantage . In your case I don't see how it could not be beneficial.

Nothing is easy , but it does offer a different option to players who are not confident in making money the traditional way.
You could also mix and match both systems and see where it leads

you would be surprised how many times I have gotten horses at 66-1 who close 8-1 on the board . The only issue there is not alot of players offer up more than 5.00 dollars on the lay for those odds .

It really helps when you know a favourite is an absolute bumb. THere is where you could make quick turnaround of money.
300.00 to lay on an even money only costs you 300.00 and all he has to do is lose !!

they take about 3 4 percent when you win but it beats the track take any day of the week.

Like I said if your volume as a player is big then you won't be in these exchanges as it will not support it ( the only excemption) being uk racing as the volumes are large but most guys are in betfair for that .

ok thats it

let me know if there are any other questions

hope it helps


I appreciate that yes and you gave me a great education there.. two questions off what you said

would like to understand how you got 66-1 on an 8-1 final odds.. I guess it's something you got in early on and was bet down from a high ml?

how about getting precise amounts down if you're a big player ( this is not me.. just want to understand how things work).. let's say I'm willing to lay 1500 on a 5 (4-1).. first off do I have the terminology right?
if somebody is interested in that do they have to come in for the whole it possible nobody will take it.. is this something I have to be actively involved in in the 10 minutes approaching post time?? (I'm guessing yes no pun intended lol)

I have asked this before somewhere else and was told no.. do some people who do this try to get involved hours or more in advance.. if I think a 10-1 is going off lower can I try to lock him in at ml or higher?

Nov 12, 2018
I appreciate that yes and you gave me a great education there.. two questions off what you said

would like to understand how you got 66-1 on an 8-1 final odds.. I guess it's something you got in early on and was bet down from a high ml?

how about getting precise amounts down if you're a big player ( this is not me.. just want to understand how things work).. let's say I'm willing to lay 1500 on a 5 (4-1).. first off do I have the terminology right?
if somebody is interested in that do they have to come in for the whole it possible nobody will take it.. is this something I have to be actively involved in in the 10 minutes approaching post time?? (I'm guessing yes no pun intended lol)

I have asked this before somewhere else and was told no.. do some people who do this try to get involved hours or more in advance.. if I think a 10-1 is going off lower can I try to lock him in at ml or higher?

so lets keep it simple and talk numbers
you play the bookie when laying . so lets say you want to lay 1000.00 on a 4-1 shot . Your liabity( what you need to have in your account) is 5000.00 . Think about like this , the player taking the bet will cash in total 5000.00 if he bets 1000.00 dollars on a 4-1 so you have to have it covered . got it . If the horse loses , you win and cash 1000.00 less their commision.

How I got 66-1 on a horse is I put in a (back) bet at those odds and there is always some other player out there that thinks my judgement is poor on the analysis of that horse and he will match the bet. So lets say I put n a back bet for 20.00 , in order for me to get it matched some other guy or gal must have a liabity of 1340.00 in case my horse wins.

remember there are so many people you are playing against that if you get 10 players matching your bet at 2.00 each then it will get matched . It doesn' t necessarily have to be matched by one individual. Understand??

This is why it is so effective for the knowledgebale player
the best part about it is you don't have to be involved at all from 10 mtp and downwards. just place your odds in , and wait to see if it gets matched and go on with your other activities .

yes alot of sharp players go in advance but only on betfair itself. these clone sites do not have the liquidity for even $20 bets , hours before the race. Most handicappers wait to see how the market is shaping up from 10 minutes downwards to make their decisions on how to go.

Where these exchanges are extremely , extremely powerful is if you have a really good understanding of how the toteboard will look like at the OFF. You make a killing because 99 percent of the players out there don't have the skill to project the final prices without the will pays .

The real sharp whale players are on these excahnges all the time especially in uk racing .

There are some really good softwares out there that deal with trading and seeing other players activities as they are pushing in their bets. You would be amazed the bets that get matched and the movement that goes on. For a guy like you it would definately be worth it to get involved . The response from american players was not sufficient enough to keep betfair here in north america as the players just couldn't handle the change . It was very surprising for me as I have studied this element in depth for years . But that is the way it goes

The only time you have to stick around the computer and see how your bets are doing is if you want to trade off bets and make money no matter what happens . lets say you got a 10.00 matched at 15-1 with 10 minutes to post and with 3 minutes onward you start to see the steam come in on this horse and he becomes 5-2 or so near the off(rare but it does happen) . then the lay prices will have to adjust to the market and you could trade it at 5-2 essentially creating a Bonus Bet for yourself so if he wins you cash at 15-1 and if he loses you loose nothing .

So in a nutshell if you are a tremendous judge of price movements in horses the exchanges are for you. There is so much you could do with them and especially if you are a small player who doesn't depend so much on liquidity , it is possbile to make $30.00 daily without too much effort .

I will try and provide some examples here in future so you could see it in action , I believe if handicappers were more informed on the product alot of them would make the switch over . But unfortunately in north america the ideology for most players has been, bet the least to get the most. And in my opinion this is the surest way to the poor house . Just look around all the players you know and the evidence is overwhelming

ok jb any other questions keep firing , nothing is to elementary . I always say to my players(who offer me new and interesting concepts) , explain it to me like i am a 10 y old kid . After that I will let you know how valuable the product is


New member
Sep 4, 2012
so say I'm looking things over in the morning and see a 10-1 ml that I think may go off 6-7..should I be looking on the exchange to see if anyone's offering 8-1 or above on this I likely to find a match considering the size of the exchange? have a hunch ml's don't mean a lot or at least a lot less when deciding about taking advance positions

when you say being able to make good estimates of what the closing odds are can this be hours in advance or what I think you're talking about is within a few minutes of post time ?

the bets can be matched with multiple players is good to know..always felt one to one would be unrealistic

Nov 12, 2018
so say I'm looking things over in the morning and see a 10-1 ml that I think may go off 6-7..should I be looking on the exchange to see if anyone's offering 8-1 or above on this I likely to find a match considering the size of the exchange? have a hunch ml's don't mean a lot or at least a lot less when deciding about taking advance positions

when you say being able to make good estimates of what the closing odds are can this be hours in advance or what I think you're talking about is within a few minutes of post time ?

the bets can be matched with multiple players is good to know..always felt one to one would be unrealistic

to your questions

yes- but it is tricky as most longshots don't get equal amounts of (back vs lay) bets . The guys are sharp and they will place their odds as they see fit . eg 8-1 back will probably have an 15-1 lay on the clone sites because of the volume . The shorter the price goes , the more evenly distributed the back vs lay becomes so a 5-2 shot (back) may be a 3-1 lay depending on where he is on the ladder of favouritism. the under 2-1 shots is where they really start to become even keel. The big difference is when you get into the massive pools such as the uk races an 8-1 back can easily be an 8-1 lay ?? make sense

-- sure it could be hours in advance but like i said in the clone sites most players wait, so your big edge is to know which medium to high priced horses will end up at least half their odds after the bell. So at least if you get 8-1 matched and the horse gets dumped to 4-1 at these pools you have your edge. Also pick up the patterns of the horses who are hot or look solid on the post parade as these tend to go down in price a bit . but overall the big edge always comes in finding these movement horses in the final top 3 betting whether early on or late . you will get the edge

If you ever get a chance to get on to the real betrfair platform that is where are the real good stuff happens

Sep 21, 2004
a simple way to look at it would be that you can bet on or against a horse and lock in the odds before the big computer players pound the odds at the last second and close down every advantage
you thought you might have had.

New member
Sep 4, 2012
does back mean offer to bet a certain amount if I get specified odds or taking the lay proposition of somebody else ? guessing the former..if it is the former is there a term for the person who accepts the lay wager?

Nov 12, 2018
does back mean offer to bet a certain amount if I get specified odds or taking the lay proposition of somebody else ? guessing the former..if it is the former is there a term for the person who accepts the lay wager?

back is player
lay is bookie

hey jb I want 20.00 to win on the 5 at 8-1??
you say no problem I'll take the bet and if it wins I owe you 180.00


New member
Sep 4, 2012
so at the big circuits (ny, ky etc) @ 5mtp a horse (X) is 5-1 on the tote.. I think he's going to go off lower so I want to try and get in at that price.. will the market price usually be around the tote price? if I want to back horse X on a particular exchange is he available at only one price?

BTW I appreciate you answering my questions


Nov 12, 2018
so at the big circuits (ny, ky etc) @ 5mtp a horse (X) is 5-1 on the tote.. I think he's going to go off lower so I want to try and get in at that price.. will the market price usually be around the tote price? if I want to back horse X on a particular exchange is he available at only one price?

BTW I appreciate you answering my questions


-yes usually is available, the bigger the circuit the more the odds reflect the tote
-no multiple prices going at once , because there are so many players putting in different prices of what they think fair is
- np

Nov 12, 2018
If you could somehow get into betfair from where you are , there is a piece of software that is great
(This goes out to all players) . It is priceless . Unfortunately alot of guys cannot access betfair from their countries
so this won't help them .But for those that are allowed to access it , From novice to advanced and everything in between
this is the software for you ,10 big thumbs up

For those who think they can get around it using VPNS , it won't work as BETFAIR is way ahead of the game and they know exactly
if you are outside their region even if you mask it cleverly

Go through the manual and videos its just phenomenal . You will get the whole picture jb , if u get the chance to have a look.
I highly recommend (I will not answer questions regarding the software but their customer support is excellent and will address any of your concerns

It will also clear up alot of questions players have regarding trading in general

New member
Sep 4, 2012
If you could somehow get into betfair from where you are , there is a piece of software that is great
(This goes out to all players) . It is priceless . Unfortunately alot of guys cannot access betfair from their countries
so this won't help them .But for those that are allowed to access it , From novice to advanced and everything in between
this is the software for you ,10 big thumbs up

For those who think they can get around it using VPNS , it won't work as BETFAIR is way ahead of the game and they know exactly
if you are outside their region even if you mask it cleverly

Go through the manual and videos its just phenomenal . You will get the whole picture jb , if u get the chance to have a look.
I highly recommend (I will not answer questions regarding the software but their customer support is excellent and will address any of your concerns

It will also clear up alot of questions players have regarding trading in general

I will definitely look it over..being in the US and my personal circumstances not able to really implement this but I'm glad i understand how this works a lot better..if I have any questions will be certain to ask but you did a great job explaining the basics..thanks again

maybe could practice a bit on here when I'm playing live with races I like..assuming the odds in the big pools are similiar to the market prices at about 5 mtp

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